Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Belize - Belize City

Belize City is a port city in the Central American country of Belize. It’s divided into north and south sides by Haulover Creek, which opens into the Caribbean Sea. 

When we told people we had two nights planned in Belize City, they said don't go because nothing there. Well they where correct and it rained just about the entire time we were there. 

The manually operated 1920s Swing Bridge. A busy crossing point.

Random pictures

George Cadle Price
Led the fight for Belize's

St John Anglican Cathedral
West doors of the cathedral
The doors are made of
mahogany with carvings
depicting John the Baptist 
Baptizing Jeses

Where did we eat?

Midpoint Bar & Grill

Salmon Carpaccio 

Ali Nazik 
Lamb over roasted eggplant  πŸ† 

The Salmon Carpaccio was so good we went back a second time.

Grilled fish fillet 
Martha's Cafe 

Martha's Spinach & Cheddar

Where did we stay? The Great House Inn

How did we get there?

The hotel arranged for a ride to the airport πŸ›«. When we arrived to check in, the land line rang and the young man behind the counter answers and tells Rob it's for him. What?!? The resort forgot to charge us for something and was letting him know there would be another charge.

Our luggage arrived

When did we visit? January 11 - 13, 2025

"Wander often, wonder always." 

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