Sunday, March 29, 2020

Key West Is Strange

Life in Key West these days is strange (and not the usual "strange" that we all love about Key West). It's been a week since all visitors were told to leave. Friday (March 27th), a check point was set up preventing non-residents from entering the Keys by vehicle and Higgs Beach was closed. The pelicans and tarpon that used to circle the fishing boats hoping for scraps have moved on. There are still a couple of flights arriving daily but that's a LOT less than usual. Bras are optional. There are probably more women not wearing bras then there are women wearing them! There are fewer and fewer restaurants staying open for carry-out and delivery. The only thing normal and not out-of-place are the bums. (That's how they are referred to here.) They still hang in their same spots. Funny how seeing them is reassuring. 

We have been saving a ton of money by eating/drinking on the boat. Many bars/restaurants are taking advantage of the down time and cleaning and remodeling. Duval St. is getting repaved and the corners on Greene and Caroline streets are being replaced. Our "garage" (the V-berth) has been rearranged to accommodate canned goods in case we need to leave and have to anchor out for days on end. Our local grocery store, Fausta's Food Palace, has food. There are still people walking around and riding bikes/scooters (us included).

So this will be our home for at least the month of April. Hopefully we can start our migration north in May but if there's ever a place to be 'stuck', this is it!

Southernmost Point

Above three -- all Duval St.

Mallory Square

One of the last places to close even though everyone was practicing 'social distancing'.

The "garage" stocked with can goods.

Above three - Duval St. is getting repaved.

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